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May 7, 2020 Roger Nygard The Truth About Marriage
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He’s back!

Filmmaker Roger Nygard was one of our very first Travel Tales Podcast guests in 2012. Back then, he shared Tales of traveling the globe while shooting his feature documentary on the world’s philosophies, religions and belief systems, The Nature of Existence.

Now Roger returns with more stories of traveling while shooting and researching his latest award-winning film, The Truth About Marriage.

Roger journeyed around the States, Europe, and Asia speaking with academics, relationship experts and married couples to find out all he could about the institution of marriage.

Why do we get married? How old is the institution? Is it still relevant in modern society? Roger’s film answers many questions and poses others.

So sit down and hear two never-married single men discuss a topic that has confounded both of them for years!

And click the links to the right to see the film trailer or order the film on-demand!

Congrats, Roger, and thanks for another great chat!


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